Wednesday, January 19, 2011


This sushi recipe is suggestive of school lunch. It's a simple, no-frills recipe using cream cheese, smoked salmon, and rice. The smokiness of the salmon is similar to bacon, and combined with the sweet, comforting quality of cream cheese, this dish is perfect for those that swear they wouldn't like sushi. Try this :)


8-ounce block cold cream cheese, cut into long, thin sticks
1 cup cooked sushi rice
4 ounces smoked salmon, thinly sliced
2 nori seaweed sheets
2 green onions


Place one sheet of nori seaweed on a bamboo rolling mat - make sure the shiny side is facing down. Cover the seaweed with prepared sushi rice (don't stuff too much on) - leave an inch of the seaweed bare at the top.
Place ingredients length-ways in the centre of the rice.
Roll the sushi into a log jelly-roll style. Slice into ¾-inch pieces and serve immediately.

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